Tucson Observer Archives®©
Weekly Observer,
Tucson Observer, Original Observer
1984 - 2011
Publication Archives Collections

Observer aka Observer Weekly
Weekly Observer, Tucson Observer
and its other variations during
its time was a Tucson Arizona
based Gay owned news
and advertising publication
from 1984 to 2011 with
a readership following
primarily in Tucson & Phoenix
where it competed in that market
with numerous other
local Gay publications.
The largest of those was
Phoenix Arizona based
The Western Express
news publishing powerhouse
that had sales representatives
in Tucson and many various
western states cities.
The Tucson Observer Archives®©
include the original copies
of all issues of the publication.

All images, videos, auditory,
documentary, exhibts, publications, including but not limited to text exhibits are copyrighted and
registered by Tucson Observer Archives®©, The Observer Archives®©, Tucson Observer®©, Tucson
Gay Museum®©, Founders Circle®©,
and or by third parties.
Publication of names, photos, exhibits, manuscripts, artifacts,
and or memorabilia of any person or organization in The Observer
Archives ®© is
not to be construed as indication of the sexual orientation of such
person(s), organization(s), advertisers, or any employees thereof.
All Rights Are Reserved.
use or publication of these contents is strictly prohibited without written

Copyrighted-Registered-All Rights Are Reserved
the Tucson Observer's History Since 1984